So much going on here. It’s SOTU, also known as Nate’s Oscar Night. He is enjoying spotting the pols, doing SOTU Bingo (courtesy of M) and just generally opining on how Biden is doing. Last night, I did a Q&A for my Brown class with an old friend who is a SCOTUS expert. N (and M!) tuned in, and N said he was going to ask a question but didn’t. I wish he had; it was a great question. My friend is a speechwriter, formerly for Clinton, and N was going to ask him what he would be looking for while watching SOTU tonight. I was the moderator and surely would have posed that question!

M bought new parachute pants, which is truly big news because her old ones were OLD. She looks so cute.

Poor A has her last midterms/papers due tomorrow. She is truly miserable. But when she’s done, she flies to NYC and has a fun weekend ahead.

N had a field trip yesterday, where he went to the Botanic Garden and Nationals Baseball Academy. This was part of the series of field trips to all of the wards of DC that 6th graders are going on.

Busy weekend ahead – hockey (if it doesn’t rain), baseball practice kicks off, Oscars, squash. Lots happening. Also Dad returns for a night and then leaves again!