It's Sunday of Memorial Day weekend and this is the first time I've opened my laptop since I got home from work on Friday! So this is my first post of the weekend.
Two things happened this weekend which seemed almost impossible on Friday AM. One: N no longer has a fever. He missed an entire week of school. And because Tuesday is conference day, he will not be back til Wednesday. Poor boy!! Daddy and he went to his classroom on Friday PM to read books (Seven Silly Eaters and Scrambled States) and his classmates had made him a card and they all gave him a big bear hug. How sweet is that?
The second improbable thing: the Nats won a third game in a row today. And we were there for it! Daddy, N and I went to the game this afternoon. It was hot and there was a rain delay in the middle and the bullpen imploded in the 9th but we won. So that was fun.
Meanwhile the girls are studying hard for exams.
We had a nice visit from Tuvana on Friday night.
OH AND WE ARE USING THE POOL!! N is in it RIGHT NOW! He went in yesterday and today too. M went in yesterday. The water is freezing. But it's a lot of fun!! Here are some pics: