N Felled By Fever

Our busy day today had a wrench thrown in it when N spiked a 103 fever early this afternoon. He had played a soccer game – a great game too. His coach told him that it was the best he had seen him play, which was really sweet, and he even scored the tying goal at the end. He sort of petered out at the end, though, and we ran an errand at P&P en route home, and then when we got home he just wanted to take a nap. I felt his forehead and he was very hot – 103. So we spent the rest of the day at home. M went to her soccer game – didn't play, because she's not been to practice in weeks – but she still feels like she needs to see the season out. A had her final performance at Studio Theatre, but I didn't go to that either. N slept a bit, then I taught him Yahtzee and we went through his bookshelves. A mellow afternoon at home.

We all reunited at home tonight and had burgers and salad and ate outside. It was a gorgeous night and we enjoyed the dusk.

Here is the day in photos:

Cap City Little League event at Lafayette. N's the only one not wearing baseball attire bc we were en route to soccer. We missed Patrick Corbin by 3 mins but saw him pull up. He's tall.


Good game good game good game:










Hopefully N will be better tomorrow. He has a birthday party in the AM and a baseball game at the exact same time and place, 1030-1230 at Lafayette. A has her cast party for ITW and M has a soccer game that she's missing and a softball potluck. 

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