The Weekend By The Numbers and Pictures

Mother's Day Celebration Meals: 2 – brunch (crepes by Daddy) and dinner with Grandma Sandy at Seasons 52

Movies seen: 1 – The Hustle – A, last night

Sports games rained out: 2 – N soccer yesterday and N baseball today

Sports games played: 2 – N baseball yesterday and M softball Friday

Lovely (and apt!) MD cards received by me: 5

Car issues in the '06: 3 (dead battery, flat tire and A/C not working)

Ill-planned adventures: 1- Friday night family trip to Sarah's Homemade Ice Cream in the middle of a thunderstorm

Surprises: 1 – the (disgusting) greenness of the water in our pool when we opened it yesterday. It's better now.

Lessons learned: 2: Don't mow wet grass, and start at Pink, not Macy's, when shopping with the girls for underthings

Desirable parents that Daddy and I talked to at the GDS dinner last night, according to M: 0, with the exception of one mom

OH – big news. N earned a game ball in yesterday's game for this: he's always in ready position, paying attention to the pitcher, when he's in the outfield, rather than lolling around. I credit all the hours he has spent watching baseball!

Pics from the weekend:

Book club:



Dinner tonight:




N getting a game ball:

The latest in the dog book Instagram series:





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