Long Days

What's happening here:

N lost his 4th tooth. He has no front teeth anymore! And he has a few more wigglers. Yesterday was Bike To School day, so we drove to a few blocks away from school and N scootered there. Tomorrow he will get to do a "homework party" for completing all his homework. He can bring a blanket and maybe watch a movie?


M had "Ecology Day" today. She said it was boring and pronounced that she "hates nature". So sad!

Tomorrow A turns in her research paper for history as well as a presentation on Alzheimers.

Daddy hosted a book party here last night for the new book on Richard Holbrooke.

And I did an up and back to NY for a meeting today. It has been a long day for everyone. Also, my car battery is dead, a nice surprise I discovered while en route to drive the girls to school and get to Penn Station this morning. Sigh.


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