Double Feature

It has been a quieter weekend here without M. We miss her! She has been debating all weekend in Dallas. Sounds like she has really learned a lot. This was her first debate tournament ever so we are very proud of what she accomplished!

N had a busy day yesterday – swimming lesson, soccer game, birthday party. He had few plans today because baseball was canceled due to rain. It was also the last day of the year for Sunday School – hard to believe it is already over. This year really flew by. 

We sent out invites for N's birthday party today, and we're preparing for the girls' birthday on Tuesday. They are pretty low key about their birthday this year. M doesn't even get back until tomorrow! She was supposed to have an ecology field trip on her birthday but it was moved to Thursday. A goes to the Holocaust museum on Wednesday and I have to say that I am glad it wasn't scheduled for the day before.

I was going to go through and photograph N's first grade artwork today but it didn't happen. So… soon.

A had a funny night last night. She went to see a movie with a friend. They were going to see this one romantic comedy, but when they got to the theater it was sold out. So they saw Captain Marvel instead. Then, they decided to walk back to the house to get more money so that they could go back and see the original movie too. They walked back to Mazza and bought tickets for the original movie, only to be told by the guy taking tickets that they were too young to see it (rated R). So A called us and we tried to talk to the guy to persuade him to let them in, but that didn't work either. So they pulled a Dan Feldman and bought tickets for another movie (Captain Marvel again!), sat down in that theater, and then left the theater and walked into the one playing the rom com. They saw the rom com and didn't get out til 1AM, at which time Daddy got out of bed and picked her up. Entertaining evening.




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