Baseball Weekend

Lots going on this weekend on the baseball front.

N had a game last night. Despite a small mishap on the way to the game (missing glove, thankfully recovered by one of the coaches at practice on Wednesday), N had recovered by the time we got there. The game was a little up and down, but N had some great defensive plays – stopped a ball at second and flipped it to the shortstop, had an amazing catch of a long pop fly in left field) – and the Reds had their first win. We parents were very stressed!

Here is the team meeting after the game. Go Reds!

Then today, N and I went to the Nats game. It was the 5th anniversary celebration from the 2019 World Series Win. We went pretty early and snagged World Series Replica Rings (they are amazing!) and saw a panel of players from 2019 talking about what it was like to win. It was also a gorgeous day. AND we were playing the Astros! We were ahead, then the game took a bad turn in the 7th, and then we came back in the bottom of the 9th to tie and walked off in the 10th! So great to beat the Trashtros in Nats Park on the day of the WS celebration. Go Nats!

N is back to all baseball, all the time, and I am here for it.

Dad comes home tomorrow – has been gone almost a week!