Seeing N At Camp!

Such a treat to see Nate yesterday and today!!!!

Dad and I had a somewhat stressful trip to MN, with a complete itinerary change at the airport, but we made it to Duluth late Saturday night. Yesterday, we drove to camp and saw Nate by 9:15AM. We got a great tour of camp – his cabin, the activities he’s been doing, Hammock Village, the Rec Hall, the lake, and so much more. We met lots of his friends too, as well as his counselors. He’s having a great summer, and it was so much fun to see him in his element.

Then we took him to Duluth, where we had a great lunch, got him a haircut, visited an independent bookstore (of course) and went back to the hotel to rest a bit. Then we had a nice dinner overlooking Lake Superior and took a walk along the beach.

Nate slept over last night and we took him back to camp this morning. Sad to say goodbye to him, but we are going to try to go back on Wednesday AM. Right now, Dad and I are in a little town called Bayfield. We did some kayaking this morning and will do more tomorrow, when we take a boat to some islands called the Apostle Islands. One is called Madeline Island (but pronounced Madeleine).

I have soooo many pics. I am just going to share a few here because I am very tired.

Nate is also all over the first session slideshow, and I’ll share some of those pics later this week.