News from today:
We saw N's new classroom! We went to the Lafayette Huddle tonight to learn about the procedures for this year. There are now 885 (!!!) kids in N's school. That is a lot of kids! He can still do dropoff on Northampton but then has to walk all the way over the to the playground outside the 1st grade wing, which will mean leaving the house earlier. From our new house, it will be an easier dropoff because we'll be coming from the other direction.
We walked by his class afterwards and it was unlocked. We saw his desk and the whole setup. The room is adorable. The teacher clearly loves Dr. Seuss because there is Seuss stuff EVERYWHERE.
The girls had their checkups today. M is half an inch taller than A, which is a switch from last year when A was half an inch taller than M. Good news: A's scoliosis has reversed a little, and M's hasn't changed from last year. So we are back to yearly checks.