A And The Angry Inch

News from today:

The girls had their checkups today and everything looks good. A is one inch shorter than M, and two pounds lighter. She is 15th percentile for height and about 25th for weight, and M is 25th for height and about 30th for weight. We talked about healthy eating, exercise, and getting enough sleep. All in all everything was fine! No shots or bloodwork.

N wasn't feeling well today so we took him to the doctor for a sick visit at the same time. Turns out he has a very red throat. No strep, just a virus. So he's on ibuprofen and is already sleeping better tonight than he did last night. He didn't even nap today – he was cranky and teary all day and hardly ate anything. We're hoping he is better tomorrow!

Tonight, M&A went to a baseball game with Grampy and Sarah as part of their birthday present. They came home with new shirts, new hats, and FOUR BALLS which they amassed during the course of the game, one from Jayson Werth throwing to their section and the other three from other ways that I can't remember. They had a great time. Sadly, the Nats lost despite a bottom-of-the-ninth Bryce Harper homer.

Meanwhile, we had a quiet night at home. I had suggested having a picnic with N, but because he wasn't feeling well, we decided to do it in the backyard instead of Lafayette playground as planned. Here is N waiting for me to bring his dinner out:

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Daddy brought out a tray to put our wine glasses on, and after we did, N leaned over and put his juice box down next to our glasses:

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