A is Catching Up

Big News: A is wearing underpants today. This is a significant step, as her sister has been wearing them for a few months now. Now M can’t lord it over A anymore, which she likes to do, saying things like, "You should be peeing in the potty, A…" and "Don’t you want to be a big girl, A?"

Mommy in training, at age 3.

1 comment

Rachel says:

hey, it’s me rachel!
sarah- your website is adorable. i love seeing what their doing every day!
mom- loving the blog. keep it going.
me- i love your website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well my favorite one is when m and a celabrated 4th of july. keep it up!
lover rachel
my dad is playing his drums so later i’ll send you what his comment is.

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