A Is Sick

Last night, about 2 hours after we put the girls to bed, A woke up to go potty. Daddy realized that she was very warm. Turns out she had a fever of 102.7. And today, she ran a fever all day, even as high as 104 at one point while we were at work. Poor pup. I have a suspicion that she has strep. Assuming her fever persists tomorrow morning, I will take her in to see the doctor. She and M also have dentist appointments tomorrow; I have a feeling that A won’t be at hers. I am not sure how I will get one girl to the pediatrician and one to the dentist, but I will cross that bridge tomorrow.

The girls were inside all day today. It was a scorcher, but ordinarily they would have been in the little pool in the backyard. Poor M had to stay in all day because A couldn’t go out.

Today, we opened two little tea sets that the girls got as gifts for their second birthday from Aunt Liz, Uncle Jonathan, and Sarah and Rachel. I’ve been waiting for the right time to bring them out. And this was it! Who would have guessed… that the set they picked out for A was a ballerina tea set! She was very excited. We had "tea" (= water) and graham crackers in their little sets – very cute. Thank you to J, L, S and R (again!).

I hope tomorrow is a better day!

Here are some beautiful photos of A that Aunt Tequila took yesterday:

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1 comment

Anonymous says:

I hope A feels much better now. The photos are precious. Of course the girls are so lovely, they can only take beautiful photos. I’m looking forward to some photos of M. Give both of them my love.

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