A = Left Brain

Creative things A has done lately:

  • Using my hand towel this morning, she wrapped it up like a present, then turned it into a puppet show curtain and put it over her head and became a theater.
  • She put her foot into a hole at the playground so that it was at an incline and said that she was getting her feet measured at the shoe store.
  • She walked along the edge of her bed tonight and said that she was teaching Baby how to walk on a tightrope.
  • She drew a building on a piece of paper, said it was a bookstore, and then started rattling off all the books in the bookstore, including several she had made up.

There are so many more examples that I have sadly forgotten. She has the most creative mind. She definitely didn’t get it from me.

On top of that, she’s just the sweetest thing.


Abby says:

I love reading this blog. It’s so funny to see how the little tidbits I see of the girls play into their larger personalities.
Also, have you seen this?
Not at all scientific of course, but kind of interesting to play around with!

Buppie says:

Tell about our game where she is a doll in a store and I am “buying her.” M was the storekeeper who kept reminding me that the doll was actually her sister, A.
A kept perfectly still as I wandered around the “store,” picking up this or that toy, not yet having found the “perfect” one–the doll. When I finally “found” her, and picked her up, her body remained rigid and still–she never broke character.

Debbie says:

I just can’t tell you how much I LOVE the blog — I still read it first thing every morning! M & A are SO lucky that you are their mommy. xx, Debbie

Anonymous says:

Your daughters are amazing and very talented. I enjoyed reading about A and her wonderful imagination.

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