A = Left Brain (II)

More on A’s creativity.

Today, we went to the playground after ballet. A went on one of those rocking animal rides and kept saying "Blast off! I am going to outer space!" Then she ran around the playground andsaid that she was going to outer space and to the moon. Then she got on all fours and ran around saying "neigh" like a horse. Then she did it saying "moo" like a cow, and asked me to milk her.

I also saw her play the doll game that Buppie mentioned in yesterday’s comments. She is amazing at staying totally still and stiff and pretending to be a doll. She can keep it up for 15 minutes – impressive.

Tonight I also noticed that Stella, the dinosaur in her bed, is wearing panties.

Also, here is what the girls are sleeping with these days:

M: Baby, Blankie, Gingie the penguin, Hella, two small plastic ducks, purple blanket and a piece of paper that says "I love you."

A: Piggy, Bunny, white blanket, blue blanket, Little Lamb, Turtleneck, doggie, bear, and Stella.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

It was such fun reading about A and the cute things she did on the playground. She’s amazing. I also enjoyed reading that M still sleeps with “baby” as well as so many other things. Is there still room in the girls’ beds for them?

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