A Night Here At Home

Here's what's happening here tonight.

Daddy is listening to his latest obsession, Hamilton. The girls are going back and forth between listening to Hamilton and watching the Nats game, which I am watching. We're winning. We're keeping an eye on the Mets game. They're losing. Scary Papelbom is pitching.

N is finally asleep. He didn't nap today and was irrationally cranky tonight – fussed for an hour. But then we snuggled and watched the game and his mood improved.

M made a video for her presentation to Lafayette tomorrow, where she is going for Deals Give Back day. She is doing a presentation about going to Deal. Tonight we made a video about how to unlock a combination lock. 

A is going to an urban farm. She is very annoyed that she isn't going to Lafayette.

Hamilton obsession grows every day.

Tonight N said to me, "Sometimes, when I'm sleeping, I like the Mets."

Here are M&N with their new shirts. 





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