A Post About M

The last two posts were about A, so here are some observations about M:

  • M has an amazing memory. I told her Daddy’s cell phone number once, and she remembered it ten minutes later and still does.
  • M loves to be helpful – bringing in groceries and unloading them, putting clothes in the washing machine, folding clothes, mixing food.
  • M is shy when not at home.
  • M does not like hot bathwater.
  • M can buckle her own carseat.
  • M likes a LOW ponytail, not a high ponytail.
  • M is not as into orange these days… she likes it, but she likes "all the colors".
  • M can do MOST of alphabet backwards. OK, maybe half.
  • M can pick out of a bookstore several books that I have read.
  • M always wakes up smiling.

M also has the most beautiful smile and gives the best kisses. She told me the other day that she loved me "the mostest" and wants to go everywhere that I go.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Mommy, you have two rare jewels in M and A. M is incredible. M’s memory is amazing. M and A are so very fortunate to have each other.

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