A Stays Home

A didn’t go to school today! She woke up very congested and coughing and was so unhappy this AM that she started sobbing. I asked her if she wanted to stay home from school and she nodded. So she and I hung out at home this morning and M went to school. I told M that if I stayed home with A, that meant that I couldn’t go to the seder at her school. She said, "That’s OK, Mommy. I will be OK. You stay home with A." She is very mature. Also, when A was crying, M brought the medicine that I gave to A last night into our bedroom and said, "Here this is to make A feel better." It’s so touching to see the way the two of them care about each other and try to comfort the other when she is sad.

A got to watch a lot of TV this morning while I made brisket for Passover. At one point, after she watched "Sesame Street", a rerun of "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood" came on. She watched it happily, but when the show did a big feature on fax machines and put one on the screen that honestly looked like something from a toy store (huge colorful buttons) I had to turn it off and put on something from the DVR.

This afternoon, I came home from Home Depot with a bunch of annuals for our backyard window boxes. The girls helped me plant them by digging out the soil and picking out the color and order of the plants.

Tomorrow is Passover! Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron, Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason are coming down. The girls are excited. I will ask them to do table cards tomorow.


Anonymous says:

I wish all of you a wonderful Passover. Enjoy the spring. Lucky you, with M and A helping you plant the new flowers, it will be beautiful. I’m glad A feels better. My love to all of you. Again,
happy Passover.

Aunt Darrah says:

We had such a great time with all of you in DC. We talked a lot of the way back to NYC about just how wonderful the girls are!!

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