Today was a trying day for me, for a number of reasons:
- It poured for the 4th day in a row, particularly when I was getting in and out of the car, and when I was trying to load 4 bags from Trader Joe's.
- My car didn't start for the 6th time this week, necessitating my jumping it using the portable jumper, in the pouring rain, as we were late for school.
- I burned 5 hard-boiled eggs in a pot on the stove this AM (all of the water boiled away)
- I put an application in on a dog that I had an eye on and found out today that she's been adopted already.
- The car repair place lost my car key, which means I have to go BACK to the place to get two more keys recoded. They did give me a new battery, but it's unforgivable to lose the key.
- Someone from M's class went home from school with head lice.
Daddy had to testify before a bunch of Senators and was under fire the whole time so he had a very trying day as well.
The girls seem to have had better days than we did. M has to recite her poem tomorrow and A has a spelling test. Words: BOUGHT, BROUGHT, SURPRISE, ROLL, FRONT, SCRATCH, KITCHEN, PICNIC and a few others I can't remember.
Please, rain, stop already.
Mommy, you did have an awful day. I hope by now things are much better. Good luck to you, daddy and to the girls at school.
Aunt Ann
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