A Very Odd (But Fun) Friday Night

Last night was a funny night.

First M had a baseball game. It was chilly and gray but M did a GREAT job. She hit the ball on the first try at both at-bats, and had two good plays in the second inning where she caught the ball (sort of) and threw it very accurately to first. I was so proud of her.

After the game, we rushed home and got M&A ready for a slumer party. We walked over and dropped them off with all of their stuff. Then I had a free night! I went home and my friends Lisa and Gloria came over to meet Lucky. He charmed them, as always. :)  Then we went to dinner at a neighborhood Italian restaurant. After about 45 minutes, my friend Kristen joined us. A little while later, I got a call from the birthday party saying that A wanted to come home. She was having a good time, but thought she'd be more comfortable at home and just wanted me to come get her.

At the same time, Daddy left work and headed home. All four of us went back to the house, where I met Daddy and we went to the party to get A. M decided she wanted to stay, and seemed to be having a great time. So A and I walked home, and then Daddy went out to meet his friend Frank for a drink and celebrate the Cardinals' victory. After A and I got home, Lisa and Gloria went home. A went to bed, in my bed. Then Kristen and I talked until 1:45am. Daddy got home from being out with Frank and fell asleep on the couch, and then Kristen drove home and I went to bed.

What a night!

Today has been rainy and disgusting here, with some snow mixed in. M's game today was cancelled, and they had ballet in the AM and we're at Nutcracker rehearsal right now. Here are their performance dates:

Fri, Dec 2nd, 2011 7:00pm
Wed, Dec 7th, 2011 7:00pm
Sun, Dec 11th, 2011 1:00pm Nutcracker Tea
Fri, Dec 16th, 2011 7:00pm
Sun, Dec 18th, 2011 5:30pm
Sat, Dec 24th, 2011 3:30pm 

Tonight Daddy and I are seing Sting!

1 comment

Can’t wait for Wonnie and Lucky to meet!

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