Active Weekend

I think the theme for this weekend was SPORTS.

M had softball practice, a guest appearance in a baseball game, and a softball game. That is 5.5 hours of baseball.

A had soccer practice and a soccer game. 2 hours of soccer.

M&A had ballet class and did a demo for the WSB open house. That's 2.5 hours of ballet.

It is amazing they are still standing.

(Even I got into the action – I hired a neighboring 8th grader to come over and stay with the kids this AM so I could go running – 7 miles.)

Here are some videos of the girls at the ballet open house, as well as some pics from Grandma Sandy.









Finally, some cuteness from N. Last night, after I tucked him in, he said "See you later, alligator!" I laughed and laughed. (Then he kept calling me upstairs and every time I came in, he'd say "See you later, alligator!" Then today, he hugged the babysitter before she left, and then when she left, he said "Another hug" and ran out to give her a hug and then on his own, said "Kiss!" and gave her a kiss. SO CUTE.

N is getting smart about finding ways for me to keep coming in when he's in bed. Tonight he asked to brush his teeth after I'd put him down – the first time he'd ever come up with that on his own. I sense a slippery slope ahead if we don't nip it in the bud.

Daddy is coming home! His flight was cancelled so he will be home at 5 instead of at 7:30, which is a bummer, but AT LEAST HE IS COMING HOME!

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