Today is one of my favorite days of the year: April Fools Day!
(It's also the 2nd anniversary of M&A's bat mitzvah!).
We prepped some tricks for N last night and this AM – here is what he got:
1) Frozen cereal bowl
2) Red dye water bottle for school
3) Oreo with toothpaste filling (WHICH HE ATE AND DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE)
4) Dog food in lunch
5) Random stuff in snack bag
6) Green dye in toilet bowl (WHICH HE DID NOT COMMENT ON)
7) Caption on Goldfish bag, which he never noticed.
In other AFD news…
I totally got the girls on something this afternoon. It's not really appropriate to share here but they were surprised.
A and Daddy came up with a very thoughtful and funny trick to play on me.
And my friend at work made this for me and another colleague, which I didn't enjoy:
All in all, a good AFD even if N didn't really appreciate much of it!