

To my beautiful Allie,

Thank you for 14 years of being my beloved dog. I will always remember you running like lightning on Crissy Field, sleeping curled up in the bend of my leg, eating your treats, yodeling for me when I got home, and being the best companion anyone could have ever wanted. I am not sure who loved the other one more.

All of us – and me especially - will miss you and think of you every day. We are glad that you are no longer uncomfortable.

I love you,



Alexandria "Allie" Basenji Weiswasser Feldman

August 1996- August 2011


DebbieWager says:

Gayle: beautifully written. So so sorry, but glad it’s over for Allie’s sake. We are now going through the same awful process with our beloved cat Bernie, so I can really empathize with you.

a says:

My heart breaks for you. I know exactly how much it hurts to lose a loved one. (We lost Mollie. All of us dearly loved her.) Allie will always be remembered as the wonderful girl she was.
Aunt Ann

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