Almost To The Weekend

I worked from home today so I got to see the girls when they came home from school. M had a fun day – she brought in blondies for her class to celebrate her birthday (she waited til today because her teacher has been out of town). She said that they were yummy. A had Notebusters after school and then I dropped them off at ballet. After ballet, M and A each played their new pieces on the piano, and played Sumdog on the computer. Sumdog is that math game that they like. M is way ahead of her classmates (though I am not sure they are really competing anymore). Sometimes they log on to the same games at the same time and play against each other.

Imogene and I managed to clean out the girls' room a bit today – clearing out a lot of old stuff and reorganizing. We found a lot of jewelry that was buried in other places and made it much more visible, which the girls were happy about.

We had another fun night with Deb last night. She got to see the girls do their flamingo dance, and they also put on their old leotard/skirt outfits and M wore her Spanish dress from Cullera. She also helped us make the blondies.

A's last birthday present came yesterday – the book of her Alice costume drawings. She loves it.

I realized that one of the videos didn't make it on the blog yesterday – the one of A singing at the recital. Here it is:


Doesn't she sound beautiful?

Here are some pictures of the girls from the Spring Fair last Saturday:






More to come tomorrow when I am not so tired.