American Idol Night

We're all sitting on the couch watching American Idol. The girls don't have school tomorrow, so no homework, no rushing to bed, no stress. And the girls are just adorable. A is sitting with her foot up because she hurt her foot during ballet class tonight. M is sitting right next to me and couldn't be cuter. M has adopted a habit that Grampy, Uncle Jonathan and I all have – she writes words with her fingers while she's sitting – writing on the counter, the desk, her leg, whatever. I like to stop her and ask her what word she's writing. Grampy – you've passed it down to the younger generation!

I brought home 5 cupcakes tonight from Crumbs at Union Station. M just had  1/4 of a chocolate swirl and 1/4 of a pink valentine cupcake. (They are very big and so yummy).

Tomorrow night the girls are going to the ballet with Grandma Sandy – American Ballet Theater, La Bayadere. Maybe Daddy and I will see a movie.


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