An Olympic Weekend

We had a long and very full (and sometimes sleepless) weekend.

We had a great birthday celebration for Daddy on Friday night. I made a dinner of salmon, orzo salad, and gazpacho, and we also had cake. A had makeup on because she was dressed up as someone who presents a clue to the teams on The Amazing Race. Some pics:





We also enjoyed watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. We got off to a late start because we were trying to get the Captain into bed, but we got through most of the theatrics and watched up through the "E" countries.

Saturday was a long and lazy day. We had brunch with our friend Hady and his family, and then came home and watched LOTS of Olympics. Then we had dinner just the five of us at Potomac Pizza. We sat outside and it was very relaxing. The Captain slept through it, of course. Came home and watched more Olympics.

Today we were a little more active The girls had a playdate of sorts at the home of Laurie, the woman who fostered Lucky before us. They played some card games and hung out with her daughter, who teaches music, and then they went out for ice cream. Lucky went too and enjoyed a playdate with Laurie's dogs.

After they got home, we went to the Bethesda Pool and swam – all 5 of us! N went in the pool for the first time. He was very mellow and seemed to enjoy it. Pics:





The girls are finally in bed after even more Olympics – they are definitely into it, especially the gymnastics. Like mommy, like daughters.

Captain has been keeping us up at night but he's otherwise doing well.