Angel Show

This is the girls’ last week of school. They had their last Show, Tell and Share this morning. A brought her soccer trophy (and thankfully no one else did!) and M finally brought Clarabelle. (New Clarabelle).

When I got home, they had set up the front entryway with all the dining room chairs lined up and filled with animals. They said that it was a movie theater, and then they put on a show for me and the animals. In the show, M played the mom, and A the daughter. M put A to bed, and then played an angel who comes to see A in the middle of the night. A wakes up, greets the angel, and says, “Would you like to play games with me all night long?” Then they “pretend” to play Memory, even though they aren’t making any matches, and then the play ends. There were many rounds of applause and bows at the end.

I will take a photo tomorrow of the movie gallery – all of the animals are still in place. Meanwhile, here is something cute the girls did over the weekend. They made a hospital in the entryway – check out the pics and videos:

Hospital1 Hospital2 Hospital3


And here are some pics and videos from Jonathan’s gig in NY on Friday:

Drummer2 Drummer 



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