Animals in a Row

I haven't posted in a few days. Tiring week last week and I kept falling asleep at night. We're having a nice weekend. Girls had ballet today, and then we made cookies this afternoon – butterscotch cookies that Daddy was excited about – and visited our friends the Campers to drop off a gift. Tonight we went out to a movie and Grandma Sandy came to babysit.

The girls have kicked off their Battle of the Books activity and M has already finished the first book. A is reading it too and really likes it. It's fun to see them so enthusiastic!

Little N – such a cutie. He knows almost all the letters now, and he loves books with the alphabet and the little foam letters in his bathtub. He's just a delight to be around. Very smiley and opinionated. On Friday morning, we went in his room to get him from the crib, and he had lined up all of his animals along the railing of the crib. It was SO cute. Here are some pics and a video.

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