Another Crazy Weekend

Here's what is making our weekends so crazy: double baseball and double Nutcracker. My god.

Today was ballet rehearsal and baseball – no Sunday School, sadly, because of rehearsal. Also, M and I went up to Lafayette early today to practice catching for about 40 minutes.

N is the cutest, CUTEST baby in the world. And he looked just adorable today.

Happy 21st birthday to Emily! Today's her golden birthday – she's 21 on the 21st! We got to see her at M's game – she was in town for the weekend.

Tonight was fun – we went to dinner at the home of some friends of Daddy's from college because our friend Robin was in town from Seattle. They have two daughters – 7 and 5 – and a little baby boy – 10 weeks – named… Nathaniel! We had a lot to talk about. Here are some pics from dinner:



And here is N's Sunday photo (or two):



And here are the girls wearing stuffed pajamas (and rehearsing their soldier roles):




1 comment

Abby L says:

What a BEAUTIFUL family!!! I love catching up on your adventures. Belated congrats on the adorable addition – I’m sure M&A are the best big sisters in the world, and N is absolutely scrumptious. Hang in there with the craziness!

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