Another Nutcracker Night

I saw M perform again tonight! It was a good show, with a lot of Big Names like Brooklyn, Maki and Sona. M looked beautiful. I had seats on the far left and had a really good view of her even when she was behind the mushroom.

So glad I went to see the show again tonight. I get very nostalgic during the bees, snow angels, soldiers and clown scenes. What if this is M's last year of ballet?

A is very intent on learning how to solve Rubik's Cube. That's my 80s girl.

Some pics!

Nutcracker last night:





A has created a sign for the girls' bathroom that flips over and says "In Use" and "Not In Use". Tonight N was going poop, and he told Daddy he wanted privacy. Then he said, "That means flip the sign to 'In Use'".


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