Another Vacation Day

Today the girls stayed home and had a playdate with Abigail in the morning, and then Imogene took them out to lunch. Tonight, A went to the ballet with Grandma Sandy (and tomorrow, M is going to the ballet with Grandma Sandy). A had a good time and loved showing off her beautiful bun that Nana made her. Some of the pieces were abstract but Grandma said A paid good attention.

I forgot to share this – M's baseball coach knows Grampy, and wrote him this email about M after the first practice last Sunday: "She is a total delight and bundle of enthusiasm and positive outlook.  She'll be one of our stars I am sure." So sweet – and true!

M and I hung out at home on the couch and had a relaxing night. She ate some of my salad ("I love lettuce!") and played Sumdog and we watched some dramatic episodes of Survivor.

Thank god for sleeping in because otherwise the girls would be very tired tomorrow!



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