Apples Apples Everywhere

Sunday night. Busy weekend.

Today we went apple picking. We met up with Sarah/Hannah/Andrew and Amy/Sofia/Virginia, and Aunt Tequila, who is visiting from NY, also joined us and was very helpful with the picking. The girls picked many, many, many apples, as well as two huge bushels of raspberries. They did a great job.

We now have waaaaaay too many apples. I made chicken with apples and two apple crisps, and even fired up the slow cooker for apple oatmeal overnight tonight, but we haven’t made a dent in the bags we bought. We will take some to M & A’s class tomorrow.

After nap the girls played outside in the backyard and drew with chalk on the patio. They were obsessed with the candy pumpkins we bought at the apple picking place (the ones that taste like candy corn) and were rewarded after dinner with one each.

Other mispronunciations I forgot: "ephelant" for elephant (though I think this one is being phased out) and "hostipal" for hospital.

A has been wearing a band-aid for the last few weeks even though the boo-boo underneath it has long disappeared. She is very concerned about getting her band-aid wet in the bath, and will go to great lengths to keep her shin out of the water. Here’s what she did tonight:


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