Appliance Dissembly and Open Mike Night

Lot sof excitement happening at Lafayette today!

A's class had Appliance Dissembly day. This means that they got old appliances and took them apart, screw by screw. I volunteered to assist, which was really fun. A's table and I took apart a keyboard, a monitor, and a jukebox-type thing that had a CD changer and some other audio components. It was really fun! I am not sure how much the kids actually learned about how things work, but hey, it's the last week of school.

Here are some pics:

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Then tonight, M&A read their short story based on Goldilocks and the Three Bears at Open Mike night for Creative Writing Club. I give them lots of credit for standing up in front of a group of people in a dark auditorium and reading their original writing!

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Today was also Moustache Day and Pajama Day. Those glasses A was wearing in the photos above are fake glasses that are part of her moustache accessories. The girls and I have been planning to trick Daddy for about a week now – they were very poky getting dressed this morning because they were planning to wear their pajamas to school. He got impatient with them ("Girls, you've been up for 30 minutes and you STILL haven't gotten dressed!") but of course they were already dressed. Ha ha!

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