April Fool’s Day

So here is what happened today for April Fool's Day.

1. I sent A this email this morning, with the header "This was on the Chevy Chase listserv this morning":

Goat Camp for Campers Aged 8-16

 Fri Apr 1, 2016 6:32 am (PST) . Posted by:
I wanted to spread the word about a new day camp starting up in Gaithersburg, MD this summer. It's called Goat Camp, and it runs from 9:30-4:30 M-F throughout June and July. Campers aged 8-16 have the opportunity to work on a goat farm and learn how it operates.
Activities include: goat grooming, devising jumps and runs for goats, filming goats, watching footage of goats to create Youtube videos, feeding goats, reading books to goats to help with socialization (they prefer dystopian novels), bathing goats, and coming up with funny names for goats.
There will be a bus going to Goat Camp every morning from Chevy Chase (across from Chevy Chase Elementary School) to the camp, which is located off I-270 at Exit 10.
Interested parents should fill out an application at www.goatcampgaithersburg.com and submit before April 16.
She was SO excited when she read it. It was really hard to tell her that Goat Camp was too good to be true.
2. I sent M this email this morning:

On ​Fri, Apr ​1​, 2016 at 7:30AM, Yeonjin Cho<[email protected]> wrote:

​Dear Mrs. Feldman:

​I am concerned about Madeleine's attitude in ballet this spring. She has missed several classes over the last few weeks, and I can see her interest waning. She sits out frequently due to foot discomfort, and her decision not to participate in the Spring Performance demonstrates her lack of interest in ballet.

​I would like to discuss Madeleine's progress with you at your earliest convenience. ​

​Yeonjin Cho

M figured out really early that this was a joke. She said that the last sentence is something that Ms. Cho would never say.

3. The girls put Saran Wrap on our toilet. Daddy figured it out before he made a mess.

4. We added an autocorrect to Daddy's phone so that every time he typed "yes", it would automatically be changed to "bad haircut". He found this pretty annoying.

5. M turned the milk in N's cereal blue and made his apple juice red with food coloring. He was mostly just perplexed.

We had a lovely day here in DC. Grandma came over this morning and hung out for a few hours while I ran a few errands. Then we went out to lunch at Panera and Daddy met us en route home from getting the car fixed. Then M and I got haircuts, and both girls went to ballet/dance. Tonight we're watching TV and getting ready for another trip tomorrow, to NJ, where we will see the whole Feldman clan for the night/Sunday.

Some more pics from the trip.







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