So here is what happened today for April Fool's Day.
1. I sent A this email this morning, with the header "This was on the Chevy Chase listserv this morning":
Goat Camp for Campers Aged 8-16
On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 7:30AM, Yeonjin Cho<[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Mrs. Feldman:
I am concerned about Madeleine's attitude in ballet this spring. She has missed several classes over the last few weeks, and I can see her interest waning. She sits out frequently due to foot discomfort, and her decision not to participate in the Spring Performance demonstrates her lack of interest in ballet.
I would like to discuss Madeleine's progress with you at your earliest convenience.
Yeonjin Cho
M figured out really early that this was a joke. She said that the last sentence is something that Ms. Cho would never say.
3. The girls put Saran Wrap on our toilet. Daddy figured it out before he made a mess.
4. We added an autocorrect to Daddy's phone so that every time he typed "yes", it would automatically be changed to "bad haircut". He found this pretty annoying.
5. M turned the milk in N's cereal blue and made his apple juice red with food coloring. He was mostly just perplexed.
We had a lovely day here in DC. Grandma came over this morning and hung out for a few hours while I ran a few errands. Then we went out to lunch at Panera and Daddy met us en route home from getting the car fixed. Then M and I got haircuts, and both girls went to ballet/dance. Tonight we're watching TV and getting ready for another trip tomorrow, to NJ, where we will see the whole Feldman clan for the night/Sunday.
Some more pics from the trip.