April Fool’s Day

Today is April Fool's Day. Daddy has been the major target of April Fool's Day jokes. Here is how he got had today:

  • M & A brought up some drinks for us this morning. But what looked like apple juice was really white grape juice, and what looked like water was really mostly flat seltzer water.
  • Tonight, M & A called Daddy on his cell phone a few times and told him that they were calling from Peapod, and that he had bought $1,000 worth of mustard (and later ketchup). Daddy was very angry after he heard that and came to dinner complaining that he had to call the credit card company, and where were we going to store all of that mustard and ketchup. He became suspicious when A used the same British accent with him that she had used on the phone, but he still couldn't quite figure it out. 😉
  • He REALLY got had when the #2 at State emailed him this am and told him that his trip to Pakistan, scheduled for tomorrow, had been cancelled by the White House. I was at the grocery store when this happened, but Daddy was very angry and wrote a strident email (replying all) saying that cancelling the trip was a very bad idea. That email was met with a "Happy April Fool's Day" response from the #2 at State. 
  • Finally, Daddy has told me about 6 times that our trash can is totally full. Tonight I told him that there was a huge bag of trash upstairs that needed to go out, and he said, "Well, I don't know where it's going to go. The can is full." I said, "April Fool's Day!" Perhaps you had to be there, but that made us laugh.

The girls also put toothpaste in Daddy's socks, but he not only didn't fall for putting them on, but he got pretty annoyed. They also wanted to try the super-glue-a-penny-to-the-ground and Saran-Wrap-over-the-toilet-seat tricks, but we successfully dissuaded them. The girls said that they weren't going to pull tricks on me today because I am pregnant.

In other news, the new crib is now assembled, and the girls now have bunk beds! Once both rooms are presentable, I will take and post pics. 

And… M had her first baseball practice today as a Pirate! She is a little bit old for the team but she seems to like the group and wants to stay on the team. She has a black t-shirt and hat, which she likes and wore today and wants to wear tomorrow too.

Today M & A had a playdate at the home of a girl in A's class. Apparently it went well, which is great for A and her classroom issues, and good because M doesn't always participate in playdates as much. 

Tomorrow I am playing hooky and taking the girls to a waterpark. Will be a long day for me but I am going to try to take it easy. I told them no arcade.

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