April Fool’s Day

Yesterday, M & A decided to go to school in pigtails. They looked adorable. Last night, their teacher, Alyssa, called to say that the class had decided to have Pigtail Day today, a trend started by M & A. So they wore pigtails again today and looked very cute, again. When I dropped them off, it seemed that most of the girls were wearing pigtails or ponytails. Here is a photo of them before school:


Today was the first day of the new session of ballet. I missed the signup for it a few weeks ago, so by the time I signed them up, the class was full and they were on the waitlist. The community center said that the teacher had to approve whether to add them to the class or not. So today, we went to the class early to talk to Miss Eva. She said, "Of course they can be in the class. They are longtime students, and I will always have room for them. Especially because they are so diligent and talented." Here are some pictures of them at ballet today:

Weballet1  Weballet2  Weballet3  Weballet4

Alyssa also called last night to tell us that M is doing a wonderful job of reading at school. She was playing a rhyming game at school – pieces of words were broken up and the kids put them together to spell words. They had to sound them out to figure the words out. Alyssa said that M is doing a wonderful job with her reading and that Alyssa is doing a lot to encourage it.

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