Art Gallery

First, a couple of shout-outs to my peeps.

Christina and Lisa – thanks for the nice comments about the DIY project. You'll have to come check it out in person!

Len – yes, P&B blog is on Pacific Time. It's a nod to my San Francisco days. Although now that you point it out, I bet that means that I could post until 3 AM every day and it would still get attributed to the day before. Hmmm – that could be used to my advantage. Or I could just go in and change the settings. EDIWTB is on EST.

Finally, get-well wishes to Aunt Ann in Washington, the P&B blog's most loyal reader and commenter, who just came home from the hospital after having pneumonia (and then had carpal tunnel surgery a few days later). We all hope that you are feeling better, and we miss your wonderful comments.

Here are some pictures that the girls drew for Nana last week with their new Color Wonder pens:





1 comment

ann brooks says:

still can’t type with one hand, but i thank you for your good wishes and to m and a for their lovely pictures.
aunt ann

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