Art Sale

This morning, M made a very intricate piece of art. She mentioned something about wanting to sell it. Then she and A made a number of other pictures. Next thing I knew, they had brought up a table from the basement to take outside and set up an art sale. M decided that they should price their artwork at $10 a piece, and she told A that they could make $100 if they sold it all. (!) She is a very motivated seller.

So… we brought the table and chairs out to the intersection where they sold lemonade with Addie last year. Imogene brought their lunch outside (since it was lunchtime), and we sat at the corner with their artwork. Surprisingly, no one stopped. After about 30 minutes, we decided to postpone the art sale. We decided that we should combine it with a lemonade sale, to entice buyers; that we should choose a day that wasn't so windy; that we should not hold the sale on a Friday when there was little foot traffic; and that we need a sign saying that there was an art sale. I might also suggest that the price point was too high.

Here are the girls bounding down the street to set up:


And here they are at the sale:


I tried to take the girls swimming tonight around 5:30, but the pool ended up closing early at 5 because of Emancipation Day (which is why they had no school today). It was very disappointing. Instead, we went to dinner at Guapo's and sat outside and got caught (somewhat) in a rainstorm. Luckily, the girls were covered.

Tonight, in the bath, M asked if I had ever stuffed a washcloth up the faucet (something I had just told A not to do). I said I didn't know. (I don't remember.). M said, "How could you not know? It's your life!"

Tonight M came up with some questions for A for her favorite game, "What's your favorite?" She asked some excellent questions. "Would you rather have the electricity on or off?" "Would you rather go on the internet or watch TV?" "Do you ike cupcakes or ice cream better?"

So cute.

Tomorrow we are touring the White House gardens, thanks to a well-connected parent in the girls' class. It's also a sleepover night with Katie, assuming that Katie makes it all night!


Gloria says:

I totally would have bought a piece! 🙂

a says:

The girls having an art sale is a wonderful idea. It’s so adorable. I love the photos of them sitting at their little table. So cute! Perhaps they could try another time when the weather permits. M and A have such a busy schedule. How do Mommy and Daddy do it all? I hope you take photos of the girls at the White House gardens.
Aunt Ann

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