Arts Festival

Long day for the girls! I did manage to get them up early this morning and drop them off at camp in time to make it to my presentation at 8. M was a good sport about it, and A, after some initial drama and "falling out of bed", got with the program. I even got some breakfast into them.

M called today "Camp Eve Camp" because she had camp, then ballet with Ms. Eve, and then we went back to camp for Arts Festival. The girls liked seeing the skits and performances that the older campers did – some singing, some dancing, some acting,including some songs from "Annie". Then we looked at some of the artwork in the hallway, and got some face-painting. Here are some pics:

Arts1 Arts2 Arts3 Arts4 Arts5 Arts6 Arts7 Arts8

On the way to the Arts Festival, I got these questions from the girls:

M: "How do you know when you are going to die?"

A: "How do they know what size box to put you in when they bury you?"


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