Arts Night

Arts Night was a mixed success. It was POURING rain when it was time to go, and there was a traffic jam outside the school, so the girls were a little late going in. Then M tripped and hurt her elbow when she got inside. By the time I got there, she was crying and we still needed to change their boots into fancy shoes. By the time that was done, the second grade performance had already started and they missed the first song. That wasn't great. But we did catch the second song, "Hop Up My Ladies". Right now the girls are singing the song we missed – "Little Liza Jane".

Then because no one could go inside, the school was totally packed. It was very hot and crowded. But the girls showed us their beautiful artwork, and we hung out and talked to other parents while the kids played and ate some pizza and cookies. I will upload video and pictures tomorrow.

Meanwhile, we saw the doctor today and it looks like Captain will arrive on June 8. Exciting! Daddy is talking to the mohel tomorrow and we will get the bris scheduled too.

Uncle Jonathan took one for the team today. Thanks for the pint!!! Next time let's make it a pint of beer.
