Artwork for Sale

My goal for the weekend is to take pictures of lots of the fabulous artwork that has been generated in this house recently, and post it here on the blog.

Tonight M said she wanted to sell some of her pictures to her friends. I said, "Why do you want to sell it?" She said, "So that I can get LOTS of money!" Hmmm. Good thinking, but I don't think that's a hot idea.

Tonight we watched "American Idol", which really is programming the whole family can enjoy. M&A have their favorites, and they like analyzing how everyone looks. Tonight, I said, "Let's see who got booted on AI," and M looked at me funny and said, "What does 'booted' mean?"

Tomorrow – ballet and haircuts. I've promised them lunch at Potomac Pizza too.

1 comment

a says:

I wonder what M would do with the money, if she did receive any, for her art work. It’s interesting to learn that the girls value their art work, as they should.
Aunt Ann

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