A’s Healthy Meal

The girls had a successful trip to the White House today. They saw a lot of the special rooms, but sadly no First Family members. A told me that she saw Bo, but I got independent corroboration that they did not see Bo. (One of the chaperones said that the trip was "terrible", that they were gone for 6 hours, but only in the White House for 20 minutes, and saw nothing different from the usual tour. Keep in mind, this was a chaperone, so of course it was arduous!)

They came home with little trading card pictures of Michelle and Bo.

This was the last field trip of the year! So sad.

Daddy leaves tomorrow for 4 days – he's going to China. Long trip for a short stay!

Here is A's healthy meal, which she drew and described earlier this month:



It got a little cut off, but says "My healthy meal is watermelon and lettuce, carrots, rice, bread and eggs." [More or less.]


1 comment

a says:

So sorry the trip to the White House was a disappointment. I enjoyed reading A’s list of a healthy meal. (Watermelon is one of my favorite fruits too.) A’s picture is great.
Aunt Ann

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