A’s Humor

A has done some very entertaining things lately. She can be mischievous, but she's also very funny, and has a great sense of timing.

Last night, I was trying to get the girls into bed. It was late-ish, and I was started to get impatient with the delays in getting in bed. Finally I had A ready, teeth brushed, and I thought she was in bed under the covers. When I finished brushing M's teeth, I walked with her back into the girls' bedroom, only to find that A was no longer in bed. "A," I said, "why aren't you in bed? Where are you? Let's GO, already!" Just then, on cue, she popped out of the laundry basket. It was very funny, and I immediately started laughing. She's quick, and she knows just when to reveal her antics for maximum effect.

A also loves to do silly dances, put funny objects on her head and turn them into hats, eat pieces out of cookies and note what shape the remaining cookie looks like (a moon! a boat!), and pretend that she is in faraway places doing complicated things, like flying an airplane. Her imagination knows no bounds.

A also says funny things, like "Bummers!" and "Oh, maaaan!" when she's pretending to be disappointed.

This morning, I was also trying to get them out the door to school on time, and things were moving slowly. Daddy is still out of town and the mornings can be challenging alone. Finally – breakfast dishes cleaned, check left for housekeeper, coats on, totebags grabbed, briefcase in hand – we were ready to go. On our way to the car, I said, "Girls, why does everything take so long? I hate when you're late." A looked at me and said, "Mommy, that's just how we are."

So true!

(Then they said that I was the one being slow, to which I responded with a long list of all of the things I had done since waking up - including showering, drying my hair, walking and feeding Allie, and getting both girls dressed and fed – and M said, "Mommy, those are a lot of things!")

1 comment

Ann Brooks says:

A is really so cute and funny. She seems to love entertaining and can make difficult things amusing. She has a great sense of humor.
M is adorable too with her nurturing and sensitive nature. This is a great blog.
Aunt Ann

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