A’s Modeling Career

Tonight I got a call from the woman who photographs all the kids at TSNS. She asked me whether a friend of hers, who runs a local kids' clothing store, could use a picture of A that she had taken for an ad in a local magazine. After confirming with Daddy, we said it was fine. I then decided that I wanted to get A's permission too. I explained what an ad is, and showed her a shampoo ad from a magazine. I said that someone wanted to use a picture of A in the ad to sell their clothes. The girls had a few questions: A wanted to know whether there would also be a picture of M (awww), and then she wanted to see it right away. I had to tell her that it wasn't ready yet. M said, "But we don't need any shampoo!" In the end, I asked A if it was OK, and she said yes, enthusiastically!

Only two more days of school left!

We dismantled the movie theater tonight, and moved all the animals upstairs. It takes about 10 minutes to sort all the animals and move them to the appropriate beds. I took pics of the movie theater which I will upload tomorrow.

The girls got up painfully early this morning - 6:45am – and were asleep very quickly after I put them down. I hope they sleep well tonight!

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