A’s Plant Journal

We are hitting a lot of end-of-year milestones. We've already had the last ballet and Sunday School classes, and today was the last tennis class. It was drizzling, but the girls were still very enthusiastic because they got popsicles at the end of class. Next Friday is our last day of school, and then we leave the next day to go to the beach for a week.

Much bickering in the mornings, often resulting in tears, along with bilateral accusations of physical injury and other injustices.

M had hot lunch again yesterday. It was advertised as including applesauce. It did not include applesauce.

Daddy returns today  – yay!

The girls kept Plant Journals at school last month to chronicle the progress of some lima bean seeds they planted. I scanned A's today and will do M's tomorrow. A's is very sad, but it has a happy ending.


(Day I – I planted my two seeds. I see wet soil.)

(Day 6 – I see nothing. My seed did nothing.)

(Day 8 – I still see nothing yet.)

(Day 13: I see nothing. (Note: this is the day I came to volunteer for Journaling. A was very sad about her plant.))



(Day 1- I got a new plant and it sprouted! And it got roots!)

I love how she started back at Day 1 since it was a new plant. 


a says:

Alexa is an amazing artist. She draws beautifully. I’m so glad her new plant has begun to grow. I supppose Maddie’s plant is doing well. Have fun at the beach. Glad Daddy is coming home soon.
Aunt Ann

Len says:

I would be enthusiastic about getting a popsicle at the end of the day too!

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