Today was not such a good day. Allie had a rough night last night – lots and lots of coughing, and very little sleeping. She is a little better today. She's on a cough suppressant with a narcotic, and is sleeping better right now. But these episodes are very troubling and make me very sad.
Plus we had a tough meeting with another orthodontist today about M, who recommends some pretty aggressive steps to work on M's mouth. M, meanwhile, is very excited about it and didn't seem remotely troubled by the recommendations. She's an amazing girl.
Tomorrow I am going to San Diego for BlogHer. I will be here in the morning and will be able to attend a little bit of the girls' Levine perfomance tomorrow. The main performance is on Friday, and I will miss it.
The girls like to put on plays. A makes cute signs for before the plays. Here are some from last week:
That is SO cute.
A is a natural. So cute. I hope Allie recovers — it’s so sad. Tell M I send her good wishes for the dental work that will be done.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann
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