A’s Report Card

Report cards came home on Friday. M's teacher had a death in her family so hers won't make it home until Monday. But here is A's report card. (Hint: it's amazing).

She got 4s in everything (except for a 3 in music, which makes absolutely NO sense). Last time she got all 4s except a 3 in art, and this time she got a 4 in art.

Here is what her teacher said:

A continues to do well in third grade. As I shared recently, she has really risen to the challenge her group provides in her literature circle. She is engaged in the discussions and is learning a lot from her peers while also sharing her own thoughts and opinions about the story. In writing, A has improved her writing by creating strong topic sentences that will keep her paragraphs focused. We will continue to work on this as we complete our All-About Books. A seems to know her multiplication facts pretty well, but should continue to practice them regularly so she will be ready to challenge herslef to learn more difficult multiplication and division problems. A is a sweet girl who works really well with her classmates. She is an enthusiastic learner and an absolute joy to have in class.


1 comment

Grandma Sandy says:

I think the teacher is jealous; she wishes she had A ‘s ear and voice!

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