Categories May 2023

N’s Band Concert

Tonight was the spring band/orchestra concert for CCES, which was held at BCC. It was a great show! First were the Cheetah singers, then the orchestra and solos, and then three band pieces. N had a little solo before the…

Categories May 2023

Williamsburg Trip

N's day started early with a 6:15 wakeup and a 6:45 dropoff at CCES. He then went with the whole 5th grade to Williamsburg. I didn't get a lot of detail out of him when I picked him up at…

Categories May 2023


MADDIE IS HOME!!!!!!!! She arrived at BWI around 5PM and it was SOOOO good to see her. Since she landed, she has: 1) gone to N's baseball game 2) run around Ft. Reno with N 3) had Bandit Taco 4)…

Categories May 2023


MADDIE IS HOME!!!!!!!! She arrived at BWI around 5PM and it was SOOOO good to see her. Since she landed, she has: 1) gone to N's baseball game 2) run around Ft. Reno with N 3) had Bandit Taco 4)…

Categories May 2023

Shutout Innings

We are in that part of the year when things seem to speed up and get really crammed. N had 4 scheduled sports games this weekend but only played in three of them because he had a GDS welcome event…

Categories May 2023

Chess Club Updates

Here are some updates from the last few weeks of N's chess club. (I don't understand any of this.) Note that N had checkmates most weeks! 1. This week in chess club we examined another famous game from Fischer.  In…

Categories May 2023

Friday Wrapup

End of the week. We celebrated by going out for sushi tonight. I did not want to cook again. It was a beautiful night and we sat outside. N was on camera for CCNN probably for the last time this…

Categories May 2023

A is Home!!

A IS HOME FROM SCHOOL! I came to get her at her dorm room this AM and she was TOTALLY packed and ready to go. Very impressive. We packed up the car by 9AM, said a quick hi to Tequila,…

Categories May 2023

Hey Nineteen

Today is the girls' 19th birthday! M turned 19 12 hours before A, which is of course sort of weird and prompts questions about "real" ages, etc.. She celebrated in Taiwan with her friends. Two of them took her on…