Categories August 2022

City Of Ember Project

N had to do a project for his enrichment session with Ms. Yedwab yesterday, related to the book City of Ember. He had to make a museum out of symbols from the book. He chose a light bulb, canned food,…

Categories July 2022

Happy 55th Birthday Dad!

Yesterday was Dad's 55th birthday. (55!). We celebrated by going to Rose's Luxury for dinner. This was actually a rescheduled dinner from Nate/Grandma Sandy's birthday in June, when it stormed and we couldn't sit outside. (RL has only one outside…

Categories July 2022

Philly and Vat19

I am back from what was supposed to be a one night trip to Toronto but turned into a two night trip to Toronto, thanks to Air Canada. Glad to be back, minus the all nighter in the Toronto airport.…

Categories July 2022

N Is Back From Camp!

N came back from camp on Thursday! It was so great to see him. He has grown taller, for sure. He had a great time at camp. He wasn't homesick but he was also ready to come home. He got…

Categories July 2022

Catching Up AGAIN

There is a lot happening right now! M returned from Italy last Thursday night. She had a great trip. Dad and I got to see her pics on the big screen on Sunday night, and she and Grandma Sandy also…

Categories July 2022

M Graduation Pics

M is coming home tonight! We are very excited to see her and hear about her trip. Tomorrow, Dad and I leave for a weekend in Portland, Maine, and A goes to VT to stay at her friend Emma's house.…

Categories July 2022

Catching Up

Some updates from here. N has been having a good time at camp, as far as we've heard. Here is his latest letter: After tomorrow he will have only one more week at camp. Hard to believe he will be…

Categories June 2022

A’s New Job

A started her job at Kenwood today! She will be there for a long time tomorrow for their 4th of July party. She says hostessing is harder than busing. much of the night was boring, and she didn't get tips…