Categories June 2022

CCNN and MCLL Select

Two exciting things for N: First, he was selected to be one of the fifth graders to do CCNN, the Chevy Chase News Network. It's a big commitment – every three weeks, he is on for a week. CCNN students…

Categories June 2022

GDS Graduation!

Ok, today was the final day in a long string of very exciting and happy days! M graduated GDS today. She started out the day at home practicing her speech, had a nice celebratory brunch here (and pre-Father's Day celebration),…

Categories June 2022

Survivor Sighting?

So something really crazy happened yesterday. N and I went out to walk Hobart around 645, after A's graduation. N was on the hoverboard and I was walking Hobart. We went our usual route – down Kirke to Cedar, left…

Categories June 2022

Happy Graduation, A!!!

Alexa graduated from high school today! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALEXA! It was a beautiful day and a beautiful service. We are so proud of her! She is no longer a student at Sidwell Friends School, but a proud alum. I will…

Categories June 2022

GDS Prom Night

Tonight is the GDS prom. Maddie and Dylan went, and Alexa went with Leo. So it was nice that both girls got to go to both proms. We took some pics outside beforehand and then a few more at the…

Categories June 2022

Stella Adler and Salmonella Jif

Nothing momentous or notable happened today! Phew. N's playoff baseball game was rained out and the girls were mostly around and no one won an award or tested positive for covid or got dressed up or bought anything major (other…

Categories June 2022

Director’s Award

M was awarded her two awards at GDS this am – the Modern Language award and the Director's Award. For the latter, Russell did a very, very long speech about M and all the ways she exemplifies the ideals of…

Categories May 2022

More Milestones!

MORE big things happening this week, three of them today. First, N got his braces off! He looks so cute. Second, M did her Quest presentation at GDS! All of the seniors presented their senior projects in classrooms. I made…