Categories February 2009

Acting My Age

It's Friday night… just got paid. Except that I won't be out partying tonight. It was Errand Day today – lots and lots of errands and parking and in and out and credit card and toting bags in the house.…

Categories February 2009


Today at lunch I was talking to some friends at work about the movies we all liked as kids. We got on the subject of the girls' movie-viewing preferences. Here are the movies that we have walked out of in the…

Categories February 2009

Odds and Ends

I have a bunch of things to talk about on the blog tonight. Today was Show, Tell and Share day at school. M brought her ballet slippers and A brought a very fragile porcelain doll that Imogene gave her. She…

Categories February 2009

The Music Man

Today we went to see Emily in her high school production of "The Music Man". She was great! The girls loved seeing her on stage, in various costumes. Throughout the production, M kept saying, "I love Emily so much! She's…

Categories February 2009


Girls had a busy Friday today. School, then Shabbat Sing, and then a spaghetti lunch at school. After school, one of their classmates came over for a playdate. He's a sweet kid. They played a few board games (Snail Pace…

Categories February 2009

Q&A with M&A

Here are some questions I asked the girls tonight. What do you want to be when you grow up? A: A gymnast and a ballerina. M: 150,000 ballerinas and one doctor. What is your favorite book? A: What Are You…

Categories February 2009

Knock-Knock Jokes

The girls told me some knock-knock jokes this morning. Here they are: A: "Knock-knock." Me: "Who's there?" A: "Mommy." Me: "Mommy who?" A: "You're the best mommy in the world." And this one… A: "Knock-knock." Me: "Who's there?" A: "Kiss."…